Constitutional Law Seminars 2023-2024
Constitutional Law and Social History
Download PdfOctober 31th
Speaker: Josep Maria Castellà Andreu (CAT), Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Barcelona. Member of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe between 2014 and 2022. Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the Institute for Comparative Federalism EURAC since 2017. Member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the World Electoral Justice Network since 2017. Principal Researcher of the Consolidated Group of the Generalitat de Estudios sobre Democracia y Constitución (GEDECO). Director of the Catalan Journal of Public Law between 2012 and 2016.
Title: “Democracia y populismo”
Hour: 12:15
Classroom: Sala de Juntas de la FDET
November 2th
Speaker: Teresa Freixes Sanjuán (CAST), Professor of Constitutional Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Professor Jean Monnet ad personam. Number member and general secretary of the Royal European Academy of Doctors. He has been a Senior Expert of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union and the European Institute for Gender Equality. She has participated as a legal expert in the drafting of the Treaty of Amsterdam, the Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Constitution and the Treaty of Lisbon. She received the Mujer Europea en España Award (2004) and the Movimiento Europeo award for the best European speech (2005).
Title: “El patriotismo constitucional de Jürgen Habermas”
Hour: 12:30
Clasroom: Meeting room of the FDET
November 30th
Speaker: Miguel Agudo Zamora (CAST), Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Córdoba. He is currently University Defender of the University of Córdoba and Member of the Governing Council of the Center for Political and Constitutional Studies. He has been director of the Department of Public and Economic Law at the University of Córdoba (2016-2020). Vice Chancellor of Strategic Planning, Evaluation and Social Responsibility of the International University of Andalusia (2015-2016), Dean of the Faculty of Law and Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Córdoba (2005-2014).
Title: “Los desafíos del Estado social español en el siglo XXI”
Hour: 12:30
Classroom: Meeting room of the FDET
December 14th
Speaker: Javier García Roca (CAST), Professor of Constitutional Law at the Complutense University of Madrid. Permanent member of the Codification Commission (Ministry of Justice). President Emeritus of the Association of Constitutionalists of Spain. Member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Constitutional Law since 2010. Lawyer of the Constitutional Court by competition. He has collaborated as an expert with the Venice Commission and the Organization of American States. Director of the Institute of Parliamentary Law until December 2013.
Title: “Las consecuencias constitucionales de la integración europea”
Hour: 12:30
Classroom: Meeting room de la FDET
April 18th 2024
Speaker: José Antonio Marina (CAST), Excess professor of philosophy at the Madrid institute of La Cabrera. Spanish philosopher, writer and pedagogue. Doctor Honoris Causa from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He directs the Center for Studies in Innovation and Educational Dynamics (CEIDE). He has obtained numerous awards throughout his professional career, including the National Essay Award, the Anagrama Essay Award, and the Giner de los Ríos Award for Educational Innovation for a program to introduce Economics in Secondary Education.
Title: “El papel de las emociones en la Historia”
Hour: 12:30
Classroom: Meeting room of the FDET
To attend the conferences