Call for abstracts - XXX Legal Conference of the Law, Economics and Tourism Faculty
1st Agrifood Law Congress of the University of Lleida - Building Sustainable Agrifood Systems: Legal Proposals
On November 15, 16 and 17, 2023, the University of Lleida will hold the 1st Congress on Agrifood Law on "Building Sustainable Agrifood Systems: Legal Proposals".
Assistance may be in person or online.
This call for abstracts invites researchers and practitioners to submit their research related to any of the panels of the Congress:
- The European Union, leader in the transition towards sustainable agrifood systems
- Sustainability and the food chain (Act 12/2013, 2nd August, on measures to improve the functioning of the food chain)
- Sustainable food production
- Rural development and sustainability
Abstracts on other topics may also be admitted as long as they are related to agrifood law and sustainable development.
When submitting an abstract, the following instructions apply:
1. Abstract submission
Abstracts may be submitted until September 20, 2023, to the following email address:
Abstracts should include:
- Title
- Author/s name and surname
- Institution of origin
- Contact Email
- 600 words maximum, in Arial 11, single-line spacing
- Proposals written in Spanish, Catalan and English will be accepted
The scientific committee will assess the abstracts submitted and decide on their acceptance. On September 30, 2023, researchers will be informed by email on the acceptance of their abstracts.
2. Conference paper
Once abstracts are accepted, the corresponding conference paper can be handed until October 31, 2023 at the following email address:
Conference papers should include:
- Title
- Author/s name and surname
- Institution of origin
- Contact Email
- Summary of 600 words maximum
- Research paper: 10 pages maximum
- Format: Arial 11, single-space, default margins
- Proposals in Spanish, Catalan, and English will be accepted
3. Oral presentation
Accepted conference papers will be defended orally on the date indicated by the organization of the Congress (November 16 or 17, 2023)
The oral presentation may be in-person or online, and will require prior registration to the Congress.
4. Publication of accepted abstracts
Accepted and orally presented conference papers will be included and published in the proceedings resulting from the Congress.
Congress Direction:
• Laura Salamero Teixidó, Docent of Administrative Law, UdL
• Antonio Ezquerra Huerva, Senior Lecturer of Administrative Law, UdL
Scientific Committee:
• Antonio Blanc Altemir, Chair of Public International Law and International Relations, UdL
• Antonio Ezquerra Huerva, Senior Lecturer of Administrative Law, UdL
• Eimys Ortiz Hernández, Serra Húnter Assistant Lecturer of Public International Law and International Relations, UdL
• Laura Salamero Teixidó, Docent of Administrative Law, UdL
• Antoni Vaquer Aloy, Chair of Civil Law, UdL
Organizer Committee:
• Dr. Manuel Cabanas, Ramón y Cajal Researcher in Constitutional Law
• Dra. Ana Cediel, Adjunt Lecturer of Finantial and Tax Law
• Dr. Pol Cuadros, Assistant Lecturer of Law's Philosohy
• Dra. Anna García, Adjunt Lecturer of Commertial Law
• Dr. Eduard-Valentin Pavel, Adjunt Lecturer of Administrative Law